



Anyone know an add-in or something that could give me the number of time spent on compiling during the day? I am interested to gather some data about the time I use Visual Studio to code and to compile. Any tips would be welcome too if no add-in exist.


I would need to have in the time all DLL loaded too by the ASP.Net webserver, not only those in the solution, what I mean is all those Output that looks like "'WebDev.WebServer2.exe' (Managed): Loaded 'c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\99145ad7\e9f1e7e6..." must be count in the statistic too.


You can turn on build timing as a start... although you'd still have to add it up yourself.

C++: Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions->VC++ Project Settings->Build Timing

.NET: Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions->Build and Run->MSBuild project build output verbosity

Soo Wei Tan