Hi all,
I'm encountering some problem with ActiveMQ 5.3. We have the following setup: - A master-slave pair ('master' and 'slave') - A broker ('broker') that forwards messages to either 'master' or 'slave', depending on who is active
The symptom I see: When I start 'master', 'slave' and 'broker' messaging works as expected: When I publish messages to 'broker' it passes it to 'master' and the messages are received by my client that is connected there. Now, when I stop 'master', 'slave' detects this and becomes active. 'broker' also noticed that it lost its connection to 'master' and fails over to 'slave'. It reports that it has connected in its local log, however, 'slave' does not report anything about that. 'broker' now reports warnings such as
2009-11-12 22:34:40,915 [/cs-droid002#18] WARN DemandForwardingBridge - Unexpected local command: ConnectionInfo {commandId = 2, responseRequired = false, connectionId = ID:broker-39053-1258061649602-12:1, clientId = NC_slave_inbound_broker, userName = null, password = null, brokerPath = null, brokerMasterConnector = false, manageable = false, clientMaster = true}
When I publish messages to broker now they are lost immediately. No consumer connected to either slave or broker receives them. When I publish them directly to 'slave' my consumer there does receives them.
Important to note perhaps is that 'broker' is configured with a url 'static:(failover:(tcp://master,tcp://slave))' and that our producer and consumer are speaking STOMP (so we have added a transportConnector for the stomp protocol)
Does anyone has the solution? I'm about to give up :|