An array of pointers to strings is provided as the input. The task is to reverse each string stored in the input array of pointers. I've made a function called reverseString() which reverses the string passed to it. This functions works correctly as far as i know.
The strings stored/referenced in the input array of pointers are sent one by one to the reverseString() function. But the code hangs at some point in the reverseString() function when the values of the passed string are swapped using a temp variable. I can't figure out why the code is hanging while swapping values. Please help me with this.
The code is as follows:
#include <stdio.h>
void reverseString(char*);
int main()
{ char *s[] = {"abcde", "12345", "65gb"};
int i=0;
for(i=0; i< (sizeof(s)/sizeof(s[0]) ); i++ )
{ reverseString(s[i]);
printf("\n%s\n", s[i]);
return 0;
}//end main
void reverseString(char *x)
{ int len = strlen(x)-1;
int i=0;
char temp;
while(i <= len-i)
{ temp = x[i];
x[i] = x[len-i];
x[len-i] = temp;
}//end reverseString