Here's the problem:
I've been working on a little game where monsters bounce off the walls (edges) of the main form, and it's going swimmingly, but it only paints one of each type of monster when it should be iterating through a list of each of them and calling their OnPaint and Move methods:
private void Pacmen_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
Rectangle rect = e.ClipRectangle;
foreach (Hydra h in hydraList) {
} // end foreach
foreach (Ghost gh in ghostList) {
} // end foreach
Here's the ghost's methods:
public void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();
SolidBrush fillBrush = new SolidBrush(color);
SolidBrush eyeBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
path.AddArc(pos, (float)180, (float)180);
path.AddLine((float)pos.Right, (float)(pos.Y + pos.Height / 2),
(float)pos.Right, (float)pos.Bottom);
path.AddLine((float)pos.Right, (float)pos.Bottom,
(float)(pos.X + pos.Width / 2), (float)(pos.Bottom - radius / 2));
path.AddLine((float)(pos.X + pos.Width / 2), (float)(pos.Bottom - radius / 2),
(float)pos.Left, (float)pos.Bottom);
path.AddLine((float)pos.Left, (float)pos.Bottom,
(float)pos.Left, (float)(pos.Y + pos.Height / 2));
g.FillPath(fillBrush, path);
g.FillEllipse(eyeBrush, new Rectangle(pos.X + pos.Width / 4, pos.Y + pos.Height / 4, radius / 4, radius / 5));
g.FillEllipse(eyeBrush, new Rectangle(pos.X + 3 * pos.Width / 4, pos.Y + pos.Height / 4, radius / 4, radius / 5));
} // end OnPaint
public void Move(PaintEventArgs e)
pos.Offset(xSpeed, ySpeed);
Any ideas why only one would show up? Thanks!