



This seems like it should have a simple solution but I can't seem to find it.

I'm using the ChangePassword control in an ASP.NET 2.0 application, using both the ChangePasswordTemplate and SuccessTemplate to define custom styling. The textboxes have IDs as follows

        Current Password Textbox ID = CurrentPassword
             New Password Textbox ID = NewPassword
Confirm New Password Textbox ID = ConfirmPassword

For DRY reasons, I want to use the regular expression that is defined in the Custom Membership Provider to validate the new password client side. Unfortunately, setting the ChangedPassword control's property as follows

ChangePassword.NewPasswordRegularExpression = 
ChangePassword.NewPasswordRegularExpressionErrorMessage = 
    "Regex Error Message";

in Page_Init sets the expression to the expected value, but does not cause client side validation to happen on the new password (the page posts back and the standard Membership ChangePassword failure text gets displayed).

I could use a RegularExpressionValidator in the ChangePasswordTemplate and set the ValidationExpression property to Membership.PasswordStrengthRegularExpression but the best way that I can see to do this requires recursing through the controls in the template to find the RegularExpressionValidator and setting the property, which makes me believe that there must be a more elegant way. I have other validator controls in the template (required fields and a compare validator), in case this may be causing a conflict with using the ChangePassword validation properties.

My question is then, does the ChangePassword control's NewPasswordRegularExpression property work when using templates or do I need to go down the RegularExpressionValidator control route?


Offered up a bounty on this as I can't find a definitive answer as to why the ChangePassword control's NewPasswordRegularExpression property does not validate client side.

I appreciate the answer, but I don't think this is the issue in this case. If the regularexpression is hardcoded to the control then it does work on IE. As far as I can see the format of the regex is in accordance with that laid out in the linked article. Since the regex being used for validation in the `ChangePassword` control template is the same as that being used in the Membership Provider, their validation is mutually inclusive (if one correctly validates they will both validate). My understanding was also that the `NewPasswordRegularExpression` would validate both client and server side
Russ Cam
+2  A: 

If you use "Convert to Template", the RegularExpressionValidator control is not created automatically and therefore not rendered to the final page. This can be confirmed by viewing the page source before and after converting to template.

To add a RegularExpressionValidator exactly like the one ASP.NET uses without the template, define it between the NewPassword TextBox and the RequiredFieldValidator like this:

<asp:TextBox ID="NewPassword" runat="server" TextMode="Password"></asp:TextBox>

<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="NewPasswordRegExp" runat="server"
    ErrorMessage="RegularExpressionValidator" Display="Dynamic"
    ControlToValidate="NewPassword" ValidationGroup="ChangePassword1"></asp:RegularExpressionValidator>

<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="NewPasswordRequired" runat="server" 
    ControlToValidate="NewPassword" ErrorMessage="New Password is required." 
    ToolTip="New Password is required." ValidationGroup="ChangePassword1">*</asp:RequiredFieldValidator>

You can't use the ChangePassword's NewPasswordRegularExpression property to change the regular expression at this point. You'll have to do this instead:

protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
    RegularExpressionValidator validator
        = ((RegularExpressionValidator)(ChangePassword1.Controls[0].FindControl("NewPasswordRegExp")));

    validator.ValidationExpression = Membership.PasswordStrengthRegularExpression;
    validator.ErrorMessage = "Regex Error Message";

I hope this helps.

Andy West
Thanks for the answer Andy- I'd already implemented it with near identical code to this, but I thought that there must be an easier way. Looks like there isn't :)
Russ Cam
You're welcome. If we pried deeper we could probably figure out exactly why Convert to Template doesn't output the RegularExpressionValidator, but I doubt it's worth the effort.
Andy West