



I'm looking for some examples on how to do the following Mock Tests using StructureMap or Unity with NUnit.

I have the following code structure

public interface IDAL
    List<Model> Method1(int id);

public class DAL : IDAL
   public List<Model> Method1(int id)
        List<Model> retval = new List<Model>();
        DbCommand cmd = GetStoredProcCommand("Model_Method1");
        using (IDataReader dr = DB.ExecuteReader(cmd))
            LoadEntityBaseList(retval, dr, PopulateDomain);//populate list based on reader
        return retval;

public class Manager
   private readonly IDAL m_DAL;
   public Manager()       
        ObjectFactory.Initialize(x => x.ForRequestedType<IDAL>());
        m_DAL = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IDAL>();


   public List<Domain> Method1(int id)
        return m_DAL.Method1(id);


public class ManagerTests
    public void Method1_Calls_DAL()

        var list = new List<Model>();
        using (m_mock.Record())
        using (m_mock.Playback())
            Manager manager = new Manager();
            var actual = manager.Method1(1);
            Assert.That(actual, Is.Not.Null);

If I do include the StructureMap configuration It ignores the Mock and Rhino.Mocks.MockRepository.VerifyAll() throws an exception.

If I don't include the structureMap configuration I get No Default Instance defined for PluginFamily MyObject.IDAL.

Can someone point me in the right direction on what I'm doing wrong?

+1  A: 

ObjectFactory.Initialize should only be called once during the lifetime of your application, so it does not make sense to call it from a class constructor.

Put the ObjectFactory.Initialize() method somewhere in the beginning of your program (Main() or Application_Start() for the web) then change Manager so that it takes an IDAL as a constructor argument.

var manager = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<Manager>();

public class Manager {
 public Manager(IDAL dal){
  m_DAL = dal;

Then in your unit test, you do not use StructureMap at all - you just pass in a mocked IDAL to Manager.

using (m_mock.Playback()) {
 Manager manager = new Manager(m_mock);
Joshua Flanagan
Yes that will work but,I'm trying to avoid special casing the constructor just for mock testing
That isn't a special case. That is how you should design your classes when working with an IOC tool like StructureMap.
Joshua Flanagan