How can I use addEventListener() to assign a handler to an HTML form's Submit button, similar to assignment to the button's 'onclick' attribute, without triggering the form's default submit() behavior?
I have no trouble assigning a custom function to the 'onclick' attribute of the "Submit" button. The custom function executes a variety of steps, then creates an Ajax request object and uses this to send the data to the server. The default submit() behavior isn't triggered.
submitButton.onclick = function() {
return false;
function mySubmit() {
//do stuff
notTheDefaultUrl = generateNonStandardUrl();
request = GetStandardAjaxRequestThingamabob();"POST", notTheDefaultUrl, true);
request.onreadystatechange = myHandler;
return false;
But with addEventListener(), the browser submit the request twice -- once under the Ajax request object, and again with the default HTML form submit() behavior. (I can tell b/c the mySubmit function sends the data to a different URL than the default -- but both the default and the Ajax url are appearing in the server logs.)
var func = window['mySubmit'];
submitButton.addEventListener('click', func, false);
I'm aware that the function assigned to the button must return 'false' to prevent triggering the default submit() behavior. I thought mySubmit() did that, and I've tried to write the function passed in via addEventListener to return false more explicitly (instead of 'func', 'function() {mySubmit(); return false}') but these dosn't work either.
So how do I do this?
Comments to Peter's raised some browser compatability issues; also, IE doesn't support addEventListener(). This code addresses these. I've tested it in Firefox and IE 8.
function func( event ) {
if ( event.preventDefault ) { event.preventDefault()};
event.returnValue = false;
// do whatever
if (submitButton.addEventListener) {
submitButton.addEventListener('click', func, false);
else {
submitButton.attachEvent('onclick', func);
Apologies for the messy newbie formatting.