Hey Stack Overflow,
I am hooking the Security event log with System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogWatcher class, and I am watching Event ID 4625 on a 2008 server box, for incoming failed logins (RDP, specifically).
The log capturing is working fine, and I am dumping the results into a queue for related, later processing. However, sometimes the logs captured have the IPAddress data field filled (resolved), and sometimes they do not.
I have run windump while watching the server, trying my usual RDP logins from different servers and OS flavors, and the only conclusion I can come to about this is a version difference issue, and not bad coding. Although I could be wrong, LOL.
The problem is in the event logs themselves with regard to these connections. All the failed RDP logins are logged, and are processed correctly, but some of the logs simply do not record the source IP address of the failed connection.
Does some newer flavor of mstsc somehow cause a remote event log to NOT log the source IP address? This seems to be true for any other 2008 server I run against this hooked server. Any 2003 or XP machine that I've tried so far is logged correctly.
If you need more information, let me know. Thanks SO!
Do I need to do something crazy -- like implement sharpPcap and correlate IPs to eventlogs that way? =/. Can lsass be queried maybe (isn't it the only thing that typically writes to the Security log)?