



Let's say I have 2 tables, Message and Product. Whenever a user post a new products or messages, users who subscribe to that particular user will have their feed updated.It is similar to Facebook feed.

The problem is how to combine the records from 2 different tables, Message and Product, to make a news feed, the feed has to be sorted by the date posted.

I think it is hard to done using purely SQL, or maybe I need another table and insert new row whenever a new product or message is created?

thanks for reading, hopefully can get some help here, thnx!!

+1  A: 

To do this in SQL, you want to do a table join. In this case, you want to join Message and Product by User.

Here is a link to a page on Coding Horror that is the best explanation of joins that I have seen,

Mike Munroe

Find common things to message and product, for example they are both type of a post, so you can have something like:

alt text

Post table has columns common to all posts; message and product tables have only columns specific to each one.


To get messages (changed after 2009-11-10 15:00)

  FROM Message AS m
  JOIN Post as AS p ON p.PostID = m.PostID
WHERE p.LastChanged > '2009-11-10 15:00'

To get products (changed after 2009-11-10 15:00)

  FROM Product AS d
  JOIN Post as AS p ON p.PostID = d.PostID
WHERE p.LastChanged > '2009-11-10 15:00'

To get all in one table with NULLS in columns which do not apply to message or a product.

  FROM Post AS p
  LEFT JOIN Message AS m p.PostID = m.PostID
  LEFT JOIN Product AS d ON p.PostID = d.PostID
WHERE p.LastChanged > '2009-11-10 15:00'
Damir Sudarevic
Is this called inheritance? What sql statement is used to get recent posts based on the model above?Again, thanks for help!
This is as close to inheritance as it gets in SQL; called supertype/subtype.
Damir Sudarevic