



I'm testing code that is designed to detect when a child process has segfaulted. Imagine my surprised when this code does not always segfault:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  char *p = (char *)(unsigned long)0;
  return 0;

I'm running under a Debian Linux 2.6.26 kernel; my shell is the AT&T ksh93 from the Debian ksh package, Version M 93s+ 2008-01-31. Sometimes this program segfault but otherwise it simply terminates silently with a nonzero exit status but no message. My signal-detecting program reports the following:

segfault terminated by signal 11: Segmentation fault
segfault terminated by signal 53: Real-time signal 19
segfault terminated by signal 11: Segmentation fault
segfault terminated by signal 53: Real-time signal 19
segfault terminated by signal 53: Real-time signal 19
segfault terminated by signal 53: Real-time signal 19
segfault terminated by signal 53: Real-time signal 19

Running under pure ksh shows that the segfault is also rare:

Running... Memory fault

Interestingly, bash correctly detects the segfault every time.

I have two questions:

  1. Can anyone explain this behavior?

  2. Can anyone suggest a simple C program that will segfault reliably on every execution? I have also triedkill(getpid(), SIGSEGV), but I get similar results.

EDIT: jbcreix has the answer: my segfault detector was broken. I was fooled because ksh has the same problem. I tried with bash and bash gets it right every time.

My error was that I was passing WNOHANG to waitpid(), where I should have been passing zero. I don't know what I could have been thinking! One wonders what is the matter with ksh, but that's a separate question.

+1  A: 

I'm not sure why it doesn't have consistent behavior. I'd think that it's not as nit-picky with reading. Or something like that, though I'd probably be totally wrong.

Try writing at NULL. This seems to be consistent for me. I have no idea why you'd want to use this though. :)

int main()
    *(int *)0 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    return -1;
+10  A: 

Writing to NULL will reliably segfault or bus error.

Sometimes an OS will map a read-only page to the zero address. Thus, you can sometimes read from NULL.

Although C defines the NULL address as special, the 'implementation' of that special status is actually handled by the Operating System's Virtual Memory (VM) subsystem.

WINE and dosemu need to map a page at NULL for Windows compatibility. See mmap_min_addr in the Linux kernel to rebuild a kernel which cannot do this.

mmap_min_addr is currently a hot topic due to a related exploit and a public flame toward Linus (of Linux fame, obviously) from Theo de Raadt, of the OpenBSD effort.

If you are willing to code the child this way, you could always: raise(SIG_SEGV);

Also, you can obtain a guaranteed-to-segfault pointer from: int *ptr_segv = mmap(NULL, PAGE_SIZE, PROT_NONE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_NORESERVE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);

Where PROT_NONE is the key to reserving memory which cannot be accessed. For 32-bit Intel Linux, PAGE_SIZE is 4096.

Heath Hunnicutt
Heh, the two biggest flamers in OSS meet, it's ... like ... the irresistible force meets the immovable object ... like ... two locomotives crashing head-on ... I wish I could sell tickets
Heath, I'd love to k now if you tested your answer on a Linux system. I can't make it work...
Norman Ramsey
Heath, I tried these and tried `raise(SIGSEGV)` too. Same problem. Unsurprising as raise(SIGSEGV) is supposed to be equivalent to kill(getpid(), SIGSEGV) on a single-threaded program. Have you tested any of your suggestions? I would love to know if my (awful) results are reproducible.
Norman Ramsey
PROT_NONE should work, it's the way Java and other systems know when to run the garbage collector. (Allocate by adding to the frontier pointer, if you get a SIGSEGV, you've gone past your space, so run a GC or get more memory.)
Adam Goode
PROT_NONE does work. Surprised by the claims above, I went to the trouble of verifying it.
Heath Hunnicutt
Heath: thanks for doing the testing. Your testing made me dig deeper, and the outcome was that I now have a bug report to file against `ksh`. I wish I had thought of trying `bash` before posting, but I never dreamed David Korn could get this wrong :-)
Norman Ramsey

The answer to question number two from Wikipedia :

 int main(void)
     char *s = "hello world";
     *s = 'H';
Amir Afghani
I disagree with what Wikipedia says. The program *may* create a segmentation fault, but we can't be sure. The behavior is undefined IIRC.
Bastien Léonard
Yes, some compilers are allowed to place literals in the (read/write) data segment. I remember the shock when gcc made the change. I guess I'm dating myself...
Norman Ramsey