okay, don't laugh ... i'm a graphic designer, knowing a damned about php/mysql, etc., ... i have one index page and links to 2 different subfolders/joomla sites installed on the same server. Now i don't know how to make a simple thing, that my visitor don't need to register/log twice when they go from one page (joomla site/subfolder) to another one (another joomla site/subfolder) ... example: normal xhtml index page with menu bttns linked to: public_html/shop and another one to public_html/blog ... as i have it now, they need to register/login separately on the index page then again if they go to shop and yet once again when going to blog. I know it;s stupid (annoying for a visitor) and not a big deal to manage, however i fear to mess up with anything php/mysql related. is there somewhere some simple tutz how to just put this 3 register/login all together, still on the same server? heeeeelp please!