



My TinyMCE init looks like this:

    var tinymce_advanced_options = {
        mode : "textareas",
        theme : "advanced",
        editor_deselector : "mceNoEditor",
        theme_advanced_resizing_min_width : 500,
        theme_advanced_resizing_max_width : 800,
        plugins : "autoresize,paste,preview,safari,table,contextmenu,paste,imagepopup,emotions",

        width: "800",
        button_title_map: false,
        apply_source_formatting: true,
        theme_advanced_toolbar_align: "left",
        theme_advanced_buttons1: "formatselect,outdent,indent,seperator,undo,redo,separator,emotions",
        theme_advanced_buttons2: "justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,separator,bold,italic,separator,bullist,numlist,link,separator,imagepopup,table,separator",
        theme_advanced_buttons3: "preview",
        plugin_preview_width : "500",
        plugin_preview_height : "600",

        theme_advanced_toolbar_location: "bottom",
        theme_advanced_resizing : true,
        theme_advanced_blockformats : "p,h2,h3,blockquote"

This loads fine in Firefox whereas in Internet Explorer 7, the spinner keeps spinning and never loads.

Any clues appreciated.

+1  A: 

Try commenting out all lines apart from the top to first of all get something working in IE7. Then uncomment line by line to see if its any part of your configuration.

David Liddle
that helped. thanks.removed all plugins and it worked.Any idea why adding 'emotions' plugin would cause this problem in IE7?