




As in, serializing JSON.

My current code doesn't work, and I think it must have something to do with the fact that _Map, _String, etc. are not public.

// vim:ft=go:ts=2

package main

import "json"
import "fmt"
import vector "container/vector"

func main() {
  groceries := vector.New(0);
  var tree json.Json = &json._Map{m:map[string]json.Json{
    "hello": &json._String{s:"world"},
    "groceries": &json._Array{a:groceries}
+2  A: 

Have a look at the TestJsonMap function in $GOROOT/src/pkg/json/generic_test.go, it seems to do something similar to what you want. The relevant code is

var jsontests = []string{
    `"abc"` // , etc.
values := make(map[string]Json);
mapstr := "{";
for i := 0; i < len(jsontests); i++ {
    val, ok, errtok := StringToJson(jsontests[i]);
    if !ok {
        t.Errorf("StringToJson(%#q) => error near %v", jsontests[i], errtok)
    if i > 0 {
        mapstr += ","
    values[jsontests[i]] = val;
    mapstr += Quote(jsontests[i]);
    mapstr += ":";
    mapstr += JsonToString(val);
mapstr += "}";

mapv, ok, errtok := StringToJson(mapstr);

You want to push the value "world" onto the name "hello" and ["Eggs","Bread","Milk"] onto "Groceries". Try

var values = make(map[string]string);
values["hello"] = `"world"`;
values["groceries"] = `["Eggs","Bread","Milk"]`;

mapstr := "{";
needcomma := false;
for key,val := range values {
    jsonval, ok, errtok := json.StringToJson(val);
    // Check errors

    // Add a comma
    if needcomma == true {
        mapstr += ",";
    } else {
        needcomma = true;

    mapstr += json.Quote(key);
    mapstr += ":";
    mapstr += json.JsonToString(jsonval);
mapstr += "}";
mapv, ok, errtok := json.StringToJson(mapstr);
Scott Wales
Scott, first of all this is part of the JSON package, so it won't compile without alteration. Secondly, it seems to be taking strings and testing the parser against them. I don't think this is what the original poster is asking about at all. devyn seems to want to create JSON from a data structure.
I added an example of how that snippet can be used. If necessary the groceries array could be easily built from a []string.
Scott Wales
Very interesting, but what I really want to do is create a JSON string completely dynamically, e.g. for a JSON-RPC server?
I may just end up building my own JSON serialization library.
+1  A: 

Here is the bare bones of an implementation of the interface for Json:

package main
import {"json"; "fmt"; "os";}
type MyTest struct { MyMap map[string]string;}
func (t * MyTest) Kind()    int       { return json.MapKind  } 
func (t * MyTest) Len()     int       { return len (t.MyMap) }
func (t * MyTest) Number()  float64   { return 0 }
func (t * MyTest) Bool()    bool      { return false }
func (t * MyTest) Elem(int) json.Json { return json.Null }
func (t * MyTest) String() (s string) {
    s = "{"; 
    count := 0;
    for key, value := range t.MyMap {
        s += json.Quote(key) + ":" + json.Quote(value);
        if (count < len (t.MyMap)) {
            s += ",";
    s += "}";
func (t * MyTest) Get(s string) json.Json {
    j, ok, errtok := json.StringToJson (t.MyMap[s]);
    if ! ok {
        fmt.Printf ("Fail at %s\n", errtok);
        os.Exit (1);
    return j;

Here is some testing code:

func main () {
    var megaburger = new (MyTest);
    megaburger.MyMap = make(map[string]string);
    megaburger.MyMap["frog"] = "toad";
    megaburger.MyMap["captain"] = "kirk";
    megaburger.MyMap["laser"] = "phaser";
    fmt.Println (megaburger.Kind());
    fmt.Println (megaburger.Len());
    fmt.Println (json.JsonToString (megaburger));

This puts a JsonToString method onto the type MyTest by defining the interface for the Json package. Clearly this doesn't do anything interesting yet, but you could define various things like these for your particular data structure in order to have a "JSON-izer" which created whatever JSON you liked from your structure. There is a nice example of how to do embedding using something called _Null in the library source code file generic.go.
