I'm writing a script to batch resize images. Originally I was applying an operation for file in $(ls $1)
, but I would like to be able to use globbing, so I'm looking at something more like for file in $(echo $1)
. The problem is that dotglob may or may not be enabled, so echo *
could return hidden files (notably, .DS_Store), which cause convert
to throw an error and stop the script. I would like the default behavior of the command to be that if I cd
into a directory full of images and execute resize * 400x400 jpg
, all of the images will be resized excluding hidden files, regardless of whether dotglob is enabled.
So, in pseudo code, I'm looking for:
for file in $(echo $1 | [filter-hidden-files])
Here is my script with the older behavior. Will update with new behavior when I find a solution:
# !/bin/bash
# resize [folder] [sizeXxsizeY] [outputformat]
# if [outputformat] is omitted, the input file format is assumed
for file in $(ls $1)
IMGNAME=$(echo "$file" | cut -d'.' -f1)
if test -z $3
EXTENSION=$(echo "$file" | cut -d'.' -f2)
convert $1/$file -resize $2 -quality 100 $1/$IMGNAME-$2.$EXTENSION
echo "$file => $IMGNAME-$2.$EXTENSION"
convert $1/$file -resize $2 -quality 100 $1/$IMGNAME-$2.$3
echo "$file => $IMGNAME-$2.$3"
Here is the current script:
# !/bin/bash
# resize [pattern] [sizeXxsizeY] [outputformat]
# if [outputformat] is omitted, the input file format is assumed
for file in $(echo $1)
IMGNAME=$(echo "$file" | cut -d'.' -f1)
if test -z $3 && if test -f $3
EXTENSION=$(echo "$file" | cut -d'.' -f2)
convert $file -resize $2 -quality 100 $IMGNAME-$2.$EXTENSION
echo "$file => $IMGNAME-$2.$EXTENSION"
convert $file -resize $2 -quality 100 $IMGNAME-$2.$3
echo "$file => $IMGNAME-$2.$3"
Given the command resize * 400x400
, convert throws an error as it cannot process .DS_Store (a hidden file residing in every file on an OSX system). As I will never be processing hidden images, I would like to automatically filter them. I've been trying to do this with grep or find, but I haven't figured it out yet.
New script goes here:
for file in $(echo $1)