




Hello, could anyone help me to set combobox or combobox edit values from a datatable? In WinForms it was something like this:

        DataSet dataBases = GetDatabases();

        if ((dataBases != null) && (dataBases.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0))
            comboBoxDataBases.DisplayMember = "DbName";
            comboBoxDataBases.DataSource = dataBases.Tables[0];

            if (comboBoxDataBases.FindStringExact(tempDBName) > 0)
                comboBoxDataBases.SelectedIndex = comboBoxDataBases.FindStringExact(tempDBName);
            comboBoxDataBases.DataSource = null;

How do I can do the same functionality with WPF?Could anyone post some simple example.Thanks in advance.


Here's how to do it in WPF:

  ItemsSource="{Binding DbTable}" <!-- Get the data from the DataContext -->
  SelectedValuePath="{Binding DbName}" <!-- Only desirable if you want to select string values, not table rows -->
  SelectedValue="{Binding tempDBName, Mode=OneWay}" > <!-- Initialize value -->

      <TextBlock Text="{Binding DbName}" /> <!-- Display the DbName in the dropdown -->

This assumes DataContext is set to an object containing table, which for a typical WPF design would be done by the containing template, or if at top level by code:

this.DataContext = new
  DbTable = dataBases.Tables[0],

Also, you might consider removing the Mode=OneWay from the XAML above and letting changes to the ComboBox update your "tempDbName" property. In general this results in a cleaner implementation.

Ray Burns