



Hey guys well I'm working on this system and it giving me sooo much trouble. I just want to quit at this point. Long story short I made a few changes to how a mySQL table works, I went from storing a comma separated list for a few different fields to storing the same data each in its own field. I then rewrote the code to work with the new method and boom I'm hit with an extremely cryptic error message from my coldfusion server. alt text

What I get from it is the problem is most likely with the mySQL server and length of the data. Is that correct and what steps would I need to take to fix this? Right now all the fields are varChars except for one or two that are text, the varChar ones I've set to 255 length that is the default my mySQL viewer puts in, is that too much? Thanks for your help this site has been invaluable to me.

Here is some extra details just to make it clear.

Alright, what is happening is I have 12 different fields in a table, each field contains information used to build a slideshow on my site. Each field is named for the type of info it contains and the number in the slideshow it is. (slideshowTitle1, slideshowTitle2, ect.) Then I have to build the HTML for the slideshow I do this by looping doing a listAppend and appending the correct variable noted in array type notion. Like this,

           <cfloop from=1 to=4 index="slideshowLoopCount">
        <!--- set the vars we'll need for this. 4 of each --->
  <cfset slideshowTitle = "slideshowTitle" & slideshowLoopCount>
        <cfset imageLocation = "slideshowImage" & slideshowLoopCount>
        <cfset slideshowDescription = "slideShowDescription" & slideshowLoopCount>
        <cfset slideshowThumbnail = "slideshowThumbnail" & slideshowLoopCount>
        <cfdump var="#slideshowTitle#">
  <!--- loop through building each individual slide from the information in the table --->
  <cfset slideShowCode =  listAppend(slideShowCode, "<li>
          <h3>" & getListingDesign[slideShowTitle][1] &  "</h3>
          <span>" & getListingDesign[imageLocation][1] & "</span>
          <p>" & getListingDesign[slideshowDescription][1] & "</p>
          <a href='##'><img src='" & getListingDesign[slideshowThumbnail][1] & "' 
          alt='" & getListingDesign[slideShowTitle][1] &  "' /></a>
         </li>", " ")>
+1  A: 

You have a typo in your query:

slideshowdesciption - is missing the R in description for all 4 instances in the query

It wasn't an error in my query it was error in the table all those fields were misspelled. LOL but why didn't I get the normal Unknown column in 'field list'?
Different way of accessing the query value ... different error message. At least you will remember it now ;)