I have created a Windows Application based UI using C# to enable users to manage the items of the Reporting Server. One of the functionalities I have implemented was to right-click on the name of the folder (in the UI TreeView hierarchy) and choose the 'Rename' option from the menu, which will then call the ReportingServices2005.SetProperties function. I added the Property of the "Name" and "Value" to the array and passed that as a parameter in this function. And I get a lengthy error message, but it's really only saying:
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapExceptions: The property 'Name' is read-only and cannot be modified or deleted --> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ReadOnlyPropertyException: ...
I've set the MessageBox.Show() within the code to display TreeView.SelectedNodes.Nodes.IsReadOnly and it shows 'False'. So I don't think anything's set up to be read-only. I could also go to the Reporting Manager itself and rename there with no problem. Is the 'Name' one of the properties that I am not going to be able to edit from the User Interface application? Other properties such as Hidden or Description were editable. I appreciate your replies in advance.