Hi everyone,
I have a program which pulls a list of ip addresses from a database, around 3000 in total. Each address relates to a remote machine which should be running a .NET Remoting server to which my application is the client. I need to connect to each to pull back some data via .Net Remoting. However if there is some sort of problem at the remote site, there is a long wait until the program returns.
I have researched and found that I can check the .Net Remoting port before attempting a .Net Remoting connection by using Sockets. Furthermore, with the async Socket.BeginConnect method, I can timeout any connections which don't return within a specified timeout period. This works great when I check one ip address at a time but for X number of addresses, this can potentially take (X * timeout) length of time to complete. So my next step was to introduce a threadpool so I could check multiple sites at the same time:
I create an OpenPortChecker object for each ip in a loop, supply it with a ManualResetEvent and the ip and then queue it in the threadpool. Once all have been added to the pool, I wait for all threads to complete by looping through the list of ManualResetEvents and calling WaitOne() on each. OpenPortChecker contains a method which performs a timed Socket.BeginConnect call to the specified ip as detailed above and then calls ManualResetEvent.Set() to signal when it has finished.
Yet this is not working as I anticipated: if I don't limit the threadpool size, all of the connections fail due to timeout (even though I know they are available) and eventually the program fails as too many threads are created. Infact, I can watch the number of threads in Task Manager go shooting up and up, even though each thread should only live for the specified timeout period before being returned to the pool. This can be solved by limiting the threadpool size but then the issue of time comes back into play. Additionally, unless I severley limit the pool (to around 10 threads) and set the timeout to 20 seconds, none of the connections are successful. This then becomes a balancing act between the number of threads and the timeout period which seems wrong and may fluctuate depending on the machine it is being run on. Infact, it is debateable if it is any better than checking one address at a time.
Am I limited in the number of connections I can make at once? Am I doing something wrong somewhere? Is there a better approach? Any help would be appreciated.