



I have a custom object as follows

  public partial class _AccessionType

        private string accessionIdField;
        private string docUrlField;
        public string AccessionId
                return this.accessionIdField;
                this.accessionIdField = value;
        public string DocUrl
                return docUrlField;
                docUrlField = value;

The above object is used as DataSource for DataGridView. I want to convert the above object to DataRowView.

How can I do it ??

+1  A: 

You need to create a list of _AccessionType and assign it to the DataSource property of the grid view.

List<_AccessionType> accessionTypes= new List<_AccessionType>();    
// Add objects to the list
gridView1.DataSource = accessionTypes;   

In the designer for gridView1, you need to right click > Edit Columns and add Bound columns. For each bound column give a suitable HeaderText and in the DataField assign the required member property of _AccessionType (e.g. DocUrl)

You cannot retrieve the object from gridView.DataSource back into List<_AccessionType> or even from the GridViewRow into _AccessionType. Inorder to get the values for a grid view row back, you need to define data keys in the grid view for the values you need to retrieve back.


<asp:GridView ID="gridView1" runat="server" 
            AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="AccessionId, DocUrl" EnableViewState="true"> 

Later in the code, you can retrieve back these values when you loop through the DataGrid or in a related data grid event handler:

foreach (GridViewRow accessionRow in this.gridView1.Rows)
    int accessionID = Convert.ToInt32(gridView1.DataKeys[accessionRow.RowIndex]["AccessionId"]);
Rashmi Pandit
Thats what I am doing. But when I try to Cast it to DataRowView DataRowView drv=(DataRowView)gridView1.ListObject;its throwing a cast exception
You CANNOT get the DataSource back from the gridview into your object. Instead you can define DataKeys in the gridview and access those values from the rows.
Rashmi Pandit
I have edited my answer to show how you can access the object from the grid view row.
Rashmi Pandit
Thanks alot Rashmi