




Hi everyone,

I have a simple C# Console App that reads in an XML file specified the the user, runs an XSLT transformation on it, and outputs the results.

When I distribute my app to users, I want to distribute a single .EXE file. My source code consists of 3 files: the .csproj file, the .cs code file, and a .xslt stylesheet.

How can I set up the csproj so the .xslt is "embedded" within the output and cannot be seen or modified by the end user?

Seems easy, but I can't figure it out and Google isn't being too useful.


+2  A: 

Add the file to your project, then select the file and go to the Properties window (press F4). Set the build action to "Embedded resource". This will cause the file to be embedded into the exe file as a resource.

using(Stream strm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("YourAssemblyName.filename.xslt"))
using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(strm))
    XslTransform transform = new XslTransform();
    // use the XslTransform object
Fredrik Mörk
Wonder way you were not credited with a check mark, first and an example of how to do it
Rune FS
+6  A: 

You can embedd it in your assembly.

Add the file in your solution, set the build action to embedded resource.

The place you need to read the file use http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/xc4235zt.aspx Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream wich will give you a stream wich you can write to a fil or use directly.

if you are not quite sure what name your resource have, i find Assembly.GetManifaesResourceNames usefull to list all resources.

Henrik Jepsen
+1: Exactly Right.
John Gietzen