Where can I find a prime number generator in C?
Especially for large primes (to used for encryption, etc), I used: the GNU MP Bignum Library.
EDIT: I assumed to question to be about find a random number generator:
Check the methods for Integer Random Numbers to generate random numbers and Number Theoretic Functions to validate their primes:
mpz_t random_prime(mpz_t max) {
gmp_randstate_t state;
mpz_t result;
while (mpz_probab_prim_p(result, 4) == 0) {
mpz_urandomm(result, state, max);
return result;
[Haven't run the code myself]
The most "classic" implementation of a prime number generator is the Sieve of Eratosthenes. There are numerous improvements on this algorithm, but it should give you a good start.
Here's a bit of source code (below) from a public domain implementation. [Original link]:
/* This code is in public domain. Use for whatever purpose at your own risk. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define MAXN 100000000 /* maximum value of N */
#define P1 1562501 /* = ceil(MAXN/64) */
#define P2 50000000 /* = ceil(MAXN/2) */
#define P3 5000 /* = ceil(ceil(sqrt(MAXN))/2) */
uint32_t sieve[P1];
#define GET(b) ((sieve[(b)>>5]>>((b)&31))&1)
void make()
uint32_t i, j, k;
memset(sieve, 0, sizeof(sieve));
for (k = 1; k <= P3; k++)
if (GET(k)==0) for(j=2*k+1,i=2*k*(k+1);i<P2;i+=j) sieve[i>>5]|=1<<(i&31);
int isprime(int p) { return p==2 || (p>2 && (p&1)==1 && (GET((p-1)>>1)==0)); }
int main()
int i, n;
for (n = 0, i = 0; i <= MAXN; i++)
if (isprime(i)) n++;
printf("The number of primes below 10^8 is %d.\n", n);
return 0;
int get_prime(void) {
return 3; /* Prime for all values of 3, including large ones */
Oh, you mean want random primes of an arbitrary size?
Using simple loops with division and checking the remainder with a little multi-threading meant I could find the first 1,000,000 primes in 10 seconds on a Q6600 quad-core 2.4GHz processor.
This is a good one: SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister (SFMT). But overall it depends what you're looking for, as somebody else pointed out. Is it for a homework assignment? Hiding pr0n from your little sister? Looking for the first X-digit prime number in the first million decimal expansion of e for google interviewing..?
void main(void) {
int num,i,len=541; printf("Prime numbers are: "); for(num=2;num<=len;num++){ for(i=2;i<=len;i++){ if ( num%i == 0){ if ( num==i ) printf("%d ",num); else break; } } }