I've recently overridden the DevXpress WPF grid to give myself a SelectedObject property that I can access from my loosely bound ViewModel.
I've made a SelectedObject dependency property and have it bound OneWayToSource in my XAML.
Everthing works fine, but if I try to make it ReadOnly (for completeness) I get a compile error and says I can't bind to a ReadOnly property. The code below compiles, I've included (but rem'd out) the bits I've been trying in my attempts to get the property ReadOnly.
Can anyone assist please?
The Dependency Property of my overridden control looks like:
//public static readonly DependencyPropertyKey SelectedRowKey = DependencyProperty.RegisterReadOnly("SelectedObject", typeof(object), typeof(MyGrid), new PropertyMetadata(null));
//public static readonly DependencyProperty SelectedObjectProperty = SelectedRowKey.DependencyProperty;
public readonly static DependencyProperty SelectedObjectProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("SelectedObject", typeof(object), typeof(MyGrid), new PropertyMetadata(null));
public object SelectedObject
return GetValue(SelectedObjectProperty);
throw new NotImplementedException();
The XAML is:
<devxgrid:MyGrid AutoPopulateColumns="True" DataSource="{Binding Animals}" SelectedObject="{Binding MyObject, Mode=OneWayToSource}" Width="300" Height="300">
<MyGrid:TableView AllowEditing="False" Name="GridView" AutoWidth="True" />