




Hi, is is possible to have the main category image that you set in the General Information tab made into a link?

It renders out as:

<img src="http://www.example.com/media/catalog/category/example.jpg" alt="Example" title="Example" class="category-image" />

There is perhaps an extension to do this? It just doesn't feel right to have a main banner that is not clickable...


Do you want to link it to the same category or some other page? You can try this hack...

Category images are loaded by calling

    <p><?php echo $_imgHtml?></p>

in the template\catalog\category\view.phtml file.

You can make the following change and hardcode a link or use a dynamic link.

    <p><a href="#"><?php echo $_imgHtml?></a></p>

If you want to link it to the current category, you can assign the current category URL function to a $variable and use it as your link.


If you have a specific requirement, comment on the answer.

Sid Vel