




I want to learn Solr.May i know some good tutorial/links for the same? Is Solr available for .net too?

+2  A: 

Yes it is, there's at least one open source project on Google Code


+10  A: 

If you mean running the Solr server on .Net instead of Java, then no, there is no port. I've been trying to run it with IKVM here but it's low-priority to me so I can't put much time on it. It'd be great if someone can help out with this.

If you mean using/connecting to Solr from a .Net application, then yes, you can use SolrNet or SolrSharp for that.

I blogged about this not long ago.

Mauricio Scheffer
We use an older version of SolrNet and it is very easy to follow and integrate.. I'd recommend it.
@crafty are you using an older version on purpose? I'm curious, do you find newer versions harder to use?
Mauricio Scheffer
there seem to be a C# API for interoperation with Solr.. http://www.codeplex.com/solrsharp
@Michael: yes I already linked to SolrSharp.
Mauricio Scheffer

Jeff Rodenburg created a C# API for interoperation with Solr. The API supports:

Adding, updating and deleting documents from a solr index. Configuration support for multiple solr instances. Flags for Read/Write modes in support of solr replication. Search queries that return strongly-typed objects Support for facets

and more ... http://www.codeplex.com/solrsharp

I already linked SolrSharp in my answer
Mauricio Scheffer