Hi, On my multithreaded server I am experiencincg troubles with connections that are not coming from the proper Client and so hang unathorized. I did not want to create new thread only for checking if clients are connected for some time without authorization. Instead of this, I have add this checking to RecieveData thread, shown on the code below. Do you see some performance issue or this is acceptable? The main point is that everytime client is connected (and Class client is instantionized) it starts stopwatch. And so I add to this thread condition - if the time is greater than 1 and the client is still not authorized, its added on the list of clients determinated for disconnection. Thanks
EDIT: This While(true) is RecieveData thread. I am using async. operations - from tcplistener.BeginAccept to threadpooling. I have updated the code to let you see more.
protected void ReceiveData()
List<Client> ClientsToDisconnect = new List<Client>();
List<System.Net.Sockets.Socket> sockets = new List<System.Net.Sockets.Socket>();
bool noClients = false;
while (true)
for (int i = 0; i < this.mClientsValues.Count; i++)
Client c = this.mClientsValues[i];
if (!c.IsDisconnected && !c.ReadingInProgress)
//clients connected more than 1 second without recieved name are suspect and should be disconnected
if (c.State == ClientState.NameNotReceived && c.watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds > 1)
if (sockets.Count == 0)
System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Select(sockets, null, null, RECEIVE_DATA_TIMEOUT);
foreach (System.Net.Sockets.Socket s in sockets)
Client c = this.mClients[s];
if (!c.SetReadingInProgress())
//remove clients in ClientsToDisconnect
foreach (Client c in ClientsToDisconnect)
catch (Exception e)
//this.OnExceptionCaught(this, new ExceptionCaughtEventArgs(e, "Exception when reading data."));