I have the below function as a part of my psake build. When the build is executing Candle.exe throws this error:
candle.exe : warning CNDL1098: 'ext .\Build\Packages\WixWeb\bin\WixIIsExtension.dll' is not a valid command line argument.
I think this is a problem with the way I am passing command line args but I cannot for the life of me figure it out.
Any powershell monkeys have suggestions?
function buildMsi($build_dir, $template, $directory) {
"Building Msi"
"Build Folder: $build_dir"
"Wix Template: $template"
"Website: $directory"
$wixXml = [xml](Get-Content $template)
$namespaceManager = New-Object Xml.XmlNamespaceManager($wixXml.PSBase.NameTable)
$namespaceManager.AddNamespace("wi", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi")
$components = $wixXml.Wix.Fragment.ComponentGroup
WalkDirectory $wixXml.PSBase.SelectSingleNode("/wi:Wix/wi:Fragment/wi:DirectoryRef", $namespaceManager) $directory
.\Build\WixWeb\bin\Candle.exe """-dProductName=Foo""`
""-ext "".\Build\WixWeb\bin\WixIIsExtension.dll""""`
""-ext "".\Build\WixWeb\bin\WixUIExtension.dll""""`
"".\Build\stage\WebContent.wxs"" "