



If I have an Action like this:

public ActionResult DoStuff(List<string> stuff)
   ViewData["stuff"] = stuff;
   return View();

I can hit it with the following URL:;stuff=world&amp;stuff=foo&amp;stuff=bar

But in my ViewPage, I have this code:

<%= Html.ActionLink("click here", "DoMoreStuff", "MoreStuffController", new { stuff = ViewData["stuff"] }, null) %>

Unfortunately, MVC is not smart enough to recognize that the action takes an array, and unrolls the list to form the proper url route. instead it just does a .ToString() on the object which just lists the data type in the case of a List.

Is there a way to get Html.ActionLink to generate a proper URL when one of the destination Action's parameters is an array or list?

-- edit --

As Josh pointed out below, ViewData["stuff"] is just an object. I tried to simplify the problem but instead caused an unrelated bug! I'm actually using a dedicated ViewPage<T> so I have a tightly coupled type aware Model. The ActionLink actually looks like:

<%= Html.ActionLink("click here", "DoMoreStuff", "MoreStuffController", new { stuff = ViewData.Model.Stuff }, null) %>

Where ViewData.Model.Stuff is typed as a List

+1  A: 

I'm thinking that a custom HtmlHelper would be in order.

 public static string ActionLinkWithList( this HtmlHelper helper, string text, string action, string controller, object routeData, object htmlAttributes )
     var urlHelper = new UrlHelper( helper.ViewContext.RequestContext );

     string href = urlHelper.Action( action, controller );

     if (routeData != null)
         RouteValueDictionary rv = new RouteValueDictionary( routeData );
         List<string> parameters = new List<string>();
         foreach (var key in rv.Keys)
             object value = parameters[key];
             if (value is IEnumerable && !(value is string))
                 foreach (string val in (IEnumerable)value)
                     parameters.Add( string.Format( "{0}={1}", key, val );
                 parameters.Add( string.Format( "{0}={1}", key, value ) );
         string paramString = string.Join( "&", parameters.ToArray() );
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( paramString ))
            href += "?" + paramString;

     TagBuilder builder = new TagBuilder( "a" );
     builder.MergeAttributes( new RouteValueDictionary( htmlAttributes ) );
     builder.SetInnerText( text );
     return builder.ToString( TagRenderMode.Normal );
Yeah, this will definitely work. On a more general note, what level of compatibility should be expect between Url generators like UrlHelper.Action and the action parameter binding? I mean, is this a bug or what?
Josh Pearce
No. Not a bug. I would call it a design decision. The case where you have multiple values for a parameter is pretty rare, especially on a get. I think the expectation that the object is a map of simple value types serves most people well.
Thanks for this, it got my thinking in the right direction. It won't exactly work because a string is an IEnumerable that will enumerate chars.It also makes all the route params querystring params, whereas the original ActionLink takes into account the Routes that are created in global.asax.cs to format route parameters REST style that support it.
I took your idea, and I used LINQ to give me all the routedata items that as IEnumerable<string>..and generated a partial querystring with that.I then took the remaining route data, and add another entry to it like "___replacemequerystringname___", "___replacmequerystringvalue___"I then used the regular ActionLink method with the remaining route data. Then I replace that above route entry which has been transformed into a querystring parameter with my aforementioned partial querystring
Hmmm. Maybe check if it implements IList instead of IEnumerable? Or specifically exclude string.

I'm not at my workstation, but how about something like:

<%= Html.ActionLink("click here", "DoMoreStuff", "MoreStuffController", new { stuff = (List<T>)ViewData["stuff"] }, null) %>

or the typed:

<%= Html.ActionLink("click here", "DoMoreStuff", "MoreStuffController", new { stuff = (List<T>)ViewData.Model.Stuff }, null) %>
It'll still call ToString() on the object.
ok... well, I tried. sry
+1  A: 

you can suffix your routevalues with an array index like so:

        RouteValueDictionary rv = new RouteValueDictionary();

        rv.Add("test[0]", val1);
        rv.Add("test[1]", val2);

this will result in the querystring containing test=val1&test=val2

that might help ?
