One solution that will allow you to output "empty" cells to your Excel worksheet is to make the data a cell array with empty values or blanks instead of zeroes, using one of the following options:
newData = cell(size(fileData1)); %# Each cell is initialized to []
[newData{:}] = deal(''); %# Change the cell contents to an empty string
[newData{:}] = deal(' '); %# Change the cell contents to a blank
There are then two ways to proceed. If the time-stamps in the smaller file are only ever a subset of the ones in the larger (i.e. there is never a time-stamp in the smaller file that is not in the larger), then you can just use the ISMEMBER function as follows:
t = fileData1(:,1); %# Time-stamps from file 1
index = ismember(t,fileData2(:,1)); %# Find index of common time-stamps
newData(:,1) = num2cell(t); %# Copy time-stamps
newData(index,:) = num2cell(fileData2); %# Copy file 2 data
However, if there are time-stamps in the smaller file that aren't in the larger, you should instead do the following using the INTERSECT function:
t = fileData1(:,1); %# Time-stamps from file 1
[junk,index1,index2] = intersect(t,fileData2(:,1)); %# Find indices
newData(:,1) = num2cell(t); %# Copy time-stamps
newData(index1,:) = num2cell(fileData2(index2,:)); %# Copy file 2 data
The above will discard any time-stamps that are in the smaller file but not in the larger. If you want to include this extra data then include the following additional code (which uses the functions SETDIFF and SORT):
[junk,index] = setdiff(fileData2(:,1),t); %# Unique time-stamp indices
newData = [newData; num2cell(fileData2(index,:))]; %# Add unique data
[junk,index] = sort([newData{:,1}]); %# Sort the time-stamps
newData = newData(index,:); %# Reorder the data
Now, if you use XLSWRITE to output newData
to an Excel file, the padding cells should show up as empty, although the documentation for XLSWRITE has these remarks:
Full functionality of xlswrite
on the use of the Microsoft Excel COM
server. The typical installation of
Excel for Windows includes access to
this server. If your system does not
have Excel for Windows installed, or
if the COM server is unavailable,
Writes matrix M
as a text file in
comma-separated value (CSV) format.
Ignores the sheet and range arguments.
Generates an error if the input matrix
is a cell array.
If your system has Microsoft Office
2003 software installed, but you want
to create a file in an Excel 2007
format, you must install the Office
2007 Compatibility Pack.