



Is there a standard for case and naming conventions in wpf/mvvm that differs from C#?

I am accustomed to camelCase with the first character being lower case for private and upper case for public methods/properties.

In the sample MVVM code I have been examining I have seen a lot of leading _ characters, is this a holdover from another practice or is there a standard I am missing?

+1  A: 

IIRC leading _ is used for member variables. But regarding case conventions, just stay consistent and use something you find comfortable.

Ólafur Waage

Check out the naming convention at msdn and the IDesign C# coding standard.

+1  A: 

There are many sources for this, but here's the offical MSDN Design Guidelines for Class Library Developers. As for MVVM specific conventions, just follow C# design guidelines in your ViewModels and you should be good.
