When I create HtmlEditor on a form and assign it's anchor value large negative number there appears absolutely unnecessary vertical scrollbar. Hot to get rid of it? If I resize Ext window scrollbar disappears. I've tried to set handlers for various window events (resize, show, *render) and call there doRender()
— no success.
Here is the code:
var htmlEditor = new Ext.form.HtmlEditor({
anchor: '100% -106',
hideLabel: true
var fp = new Ext.form.FormPanel({
items: [
{xtype: 'textfield', fieldLabel: 'aaa', mode: 'local', anchor : '100%'},
{xtype: 'textfield', fieldLabel: 'bbb', mode: 'local', anchor : '100%'},
{xtype: 'textfield', fieldLabel: 'bbb', mode: 'local', anchor : '100%'},
{xtype: 'textfield', fieldLabel: 'ccc', mode: 'local', anchor : '100%'},
var w = new Ext.Window({layout: 'fit',
height: 400, width: 600,
//tbar: [{text: 'click'}],
items: fp
Kind of workaround, exetend class Ext.form.HtmlEditor
and redefine method getDocMarkup
MyHtmlEditor = Ext.extend(Ext.form.HtmlEditor, {
getDocMarkup : function(){
return '<html><head><style type="text/css">body{border:0;margin:0;padding:3px;cursor:text;}</style></head><body></body></html>';
I've removed height:98%
from the styles list.