What is the maximum size a session variable can hold ? I am trying to store object in session variable, if object size is under 80 KB, then working fine and if the size is greater than 80 KB then on retereival I am getting exception.
How can I increase the session variable size?
This behaviour is on my production server, on the developement machine I can store big objects like above 500 KB etc..
I am implementing something like... http://aspalliance.com/1221_CodeSnip_Uploading_Multiple_Files_At_Once.all
here is my code..
private static int count = 0;
protected void Upload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (int loopCount = 0; loopCount < count; loopCount++)
HtmlInputFile hif = (HtmlInputFile)Session["myupload" + loopCount];
String filePath = Server.MapPath("~/AdvImages/") + loopCount.ToString() + "_" + hif.PostedFile.FileName;
protected void btnAdd_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
Session["myupload" + count] = FileUpload1;