hello all,
please can anyone help me on doing the paging in the mvc grid in the easiest way possible i m new to mvc,please can anyone suggest some code for paging in the grid
Thanks ritz
hello all,
please can anyone help me on doing the paging in the mvc grid in the easiest way possible i m new to mvc,please can anyone suggest some code for paging in the grid
Thanks ritz
I think this question has been asked already, but here is the question I'm referring to: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/496470/paging-sorting-grids-with-asp-net-mvc
Also, this is a very concise tutorial on how to do this:
Some snippets from the above link:
Use this to get a selector on your page to allow the user to determine the number of rows to display per page:
<%= Html.DropDownList("pageSize", CustomerController.PageSizeSelectList(), new { onchange = "onPageSizeChange()" })%> rows per page
Then in a custom page controller write this code:
public static SelectList PageSizeSelectList()
var pageSizes = new List {"1", "2", "5", "10", "100"};
return new SelectList(pageSizes, "Value");
Now add the JavaScript to the page:
//Set hidden variable to go to next/prev/last/first page and submit the form
function goToPage(pageIndex) {
//Set action performed in hidden variable. When PageSize changes - PageIndex needs to be
//reset to 1. This logic will go on the server side.
function onPageSizeChange(pageIndex) {
function submitForm() {
var form = $("#grid").parents("form:first");
Then update your page controller to perform the paging:
public ActionResult List(int currentPage, int pageSize, string gridAction)
//Do logic depending on what action was performed
if (gridAction == "PageSizeChanged")
currentPage = 1;
//Check if there are no results. In this case return empty list.
IQueryable query = _customerService.GetQueryable();
int totalRows = query.Count();
if (totalRows==0)
return View(new List());
int totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalRows / (double)pageSize);
if (totalPages != 1)
//use LINQ to perform paging
query = query.Skip((currentPage - 1) * pageSize)
//Update ViewData collection to display pager stats and pager controls
UpdatePagerViewData(totalPages, totalRows, currentPage, pageSize);
List customers = query.ToList();
return View(customers);
I hope this helps,