I have a button that closes a modal dialog box on an ASP.NET Ajax form. How do a add a client side function to be called on the same button click?
currently firebug has this for the onclick
javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions("ctl00$DefaultContent$btnPaymentActionDetailClose", "", true, "", "", false, false))
can I just add a click handler with jQuery? I don't want to wipe out the postback as it is necessary for the forms functionality.
Can I use
$("#buttonId").bind("click", function(e){
And not interfere with the existing postback?
Actually truth be told, I want to exec the function when the modal dialog closes. Do ajax control toolkit widgets fire any type of events? I know I can find the behavior and call show and hide. Can I attach my function to exec when modal.hide() is executed?
Thanks for any advice, ~ck in San Diego