Is it possible to have an event that fires when the value of a certain variable changes? Thanks!
Is it possible to have an event that fires when the value of a certain variable changes? Thanks!
I guess you could use some getter and setter methods for the variable and fire the event there.
Not directly: you need a pair getter/setter with an "addListener/removeListener" interface of some sort... or an NPAPI plugin (but that's another story altogether).
But, if it's really that important, you have 2 options (first is tested, second isn't):
First, use setters and getters, like so:
var myobj = {a : 1};
function create_gets_sets(obj) { // make this a framework/global function
var proxy = {}
for ( var i in obj ) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var k = i;
proxy["set_"+i] = function (val) { this[k] = val; };
proxy["get_"+i] = function () { return this[k]; };
for (var i in proxy) {
if (proxy.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
obj[i] = proxy[i];
then you can do something like:
function listen_to(obj, prop, handler) {
var current_setter = obj["set_" + prop];
var old_val = obj["get_" + prop]();
obj["set_" + prop] = function(val) { current_setter.apply(obj, [old_val, val]); handler(val));
then set the listener like:
listen_to(myobj, "a", function(oldval, newval) {
alert("old : " + oldval + " new : " + newval);
Second, I actually forgot, I'll submit while I think about it :)
EDIT: Oh, I remember :) You could put a watch on the value:
Given myobj above, with 'a' on it:
function watch(obj, prop, handler) { // make this a framework/global function
var currval = obj[prop];
function callback() {
if (obj[prop] != currval) {
var temp = currval;
currval = obj[prop];
handler(temp, currval);
return callback;
var myhandler = function (oldval, newval) {
//do something
var intervalH = setInterval(watch(myobj, "a", myhandler), 100);
Yes, object.watch
(it's non-standard though). Here's my implementation that works in every current major browser:
// object.watch
if (!Object.prototype.watch)
Object.prototype.watch = function (prop, handler) {
var val = this[prop],
getter = function () {
return val;
setter = function (newval) {
return val = handler.call(this, prop, val, newval);
if (delete this[prop]) { // can't watch constants
if (Object.defineProperty) // ECMAScript 5
Object.defineProperty(this, prop, {
get: getter,
set: setter
else if (Object.prototype.__defineGetter__ && Object.prototype.__defineSetter__) { // legacy
Object.prototype.__defineGetter__.call(this, prop, getter);
Object.prototype.__defineSetter__.call(this, prop, setter);
// object.unwatch
if (!Object.prototype.unwatch)
Object.prototype.unwatch = function (prop) {
var val = this[prop];
delete this[prop]; // remove accessors
this[prop] = val;