Hi all, I'm writing a userscript for a website that uses Prototype. Rather than use the GM libs (mainly so I can easily repurpose it for Chrome), I decided to use the already-loaded Prototype functions.
I'm iterating through the rows of a table, each signifying a unique user, by checking for an online status element on their profile page.
dom = unsafeWindow; //shortening unsafewindow
console.log("main start");
var rows = dom.$$("#users tbody>tr");
var users = dom.$$("#users tbody>tr .user_avatar");
for (var i=0; i < users.length; i++) {
var row = rows[i];
var user = users[i];
new dom.Ajax.Request("/users/" + user["title"] + ".html", { //user["title"] is the username
onSuccess: function(response) {
var state = "offline";
if (response.responseText.indexOf("now_online") > -1) {
state = "online";
row.childElements()[1].innerHTML += "<br /><b>" + state + "</b>";
onFailure: function(request) {
row.childElements()[1].innerHTML += "<br /><b>Error</b>";
Observing the script executing in Firebug, I see all of the GETs return valid response bodies with a status of 200. However, "online" only gets displayed in the last row. It appears as if the callbacks for the previous rows aren't being called. I have verified this with console.log statements after each line.
I searched and found that there were issues with how FB and Firefox 3.5 handled multiple Ajax.Requests http://code.google.com/p/fbug/issues/detail?id=1948. I upgraded to the most recent beta of Firebug and have the most recent non-beta version of Firefox, and still no dice. The problem occurs even when I have FB disabled completely.
I'm pretty much drawing a blank at this point, so I'm open to any and all suggestions. Thanks.