



Hello party people...So I just had an interview that I'm confident I screwed up royally. I had a bunch of questions thrown at me and didn't have enough time to answer the last one.

After getting all beginning questions correct, I was asked to write a function that would determine whether a binary tree b is contained within another binary tree a. I coded the question prior to that correctly, in which he asked me to write a function to determine whether two trees are equal:

int sameTree(struct node *a, struct node *b){
//both empty = TRUE
if(a == NULL && b == NULL)
 return TRUE;
//both not empty, compare them
else if(a != NULL && b != NULL){
 a->data == b->data &&
 sameTree(a->left, b->left) &&
 sameTree(a->right, b->right)
//one empty, one not = FALSE
 return FALSE;


Ugh. Just for clearing my conscience, again how would you determine whether tree b is inside tree a?

Thanks for any help guys.

+1  A: 

This assumes you want the same tree with the same structure, contains in a:

For one, if b is null and a isn't, a contains b (you should check that in your last else).
Second, these aren't binary search trees (unsorted), so to check if b is inside a you should also traverse a (assuming you rename the function):

int containsTree(struct node *a, struct node *b){
//both empty = TRUE
if(a == NULL && b == NULL)
        return TRUE;
//both not empty, compare them

else if(a != NULL && b != NULL){
      // sameTree should be changed to allow nulls, as below
      sameTree(a, b)
      // check recursively
      || containsTree(a->left, b)
      || containsTree(a->right, b)
//one empty, one not = FALSE
    return B == NULL;
K Prime
Indeed. Thanks K Prime.
+1  A: 

To check if tree A is contained as-is in tree B, find the node C in B such that == If there is no such node, A is not contained in B. If C exists, check if A and C are equal using a modified sameTree function - one that ignores mismatches between null children of A and non-null children of C (return true if A.left/right is null).

Thanks @Kobi for the correction.

Not accurate. If A has children where B has nulls, A still contains B.
His sameTree function is checking for that recursively
No, it does not. What if a has a left child, `2-A-5` , and b doesn't `NULL-B-5` ? It will check `2` vs `NULL` , and return false.
Ya, you are right - will edit the post to reflect that. (I'm talking about A in B and you are talking about B in A - that confused me for a moment).
While you're at it, in this case there can be many `C` nodes, but this is a minor comment :)
yeah, it's not a search tree.... :(
+2  A: 
int in(struct node* outer, struct node* inner){
    if(inner == null){
        return true; // say every tree contains the empty tree
    } else if(outer == null){
        return false;
    } else if(same(outer, inner)){
        return true;
    } else return in(outer->left, inner) || in(outer->right, inner);

We must not use the OP's sameTree but rather this function:

int same(struct node* outer, struct node* inner){
    return !inner || outer && outer->data == inner->data && same(outer->left, inner->left) && same(outer->right, inner->right);

Or, more verbosely,

int same(struct node* outer, struct node* inner){
    if(inner == null){
        return true;
    } else if(outer == null){
        return false;
    } else if(outer->data == inner->data){
        return same(outer->left, inner->left) && same(outer->right, inner->right);
    } else return false;
Right. This looks a lot better than mine, but `sameTree` should also be changed, it will not work sub trees.
Sorry? The sameTree OP provides looks correct: two null trees are the same, a null tree is not the same as a non-null tree, and two non-null trees are the same if they have the same root-level data and if their children are the same. Am I missing something?
See my example on Amarghosh's answer. this `sameTree` is correct for equality, but not to check containment.
Oh, I see now. I did not understand what it mean for a tree to contain another: you mean that the two trees' intersection is equal to the inner tree, whereas I was additionally requiring that subtracting the inner from the outer produce a connected graph. That was what you meant by "A still contains B if A has children where B has nodes." I withdraw my answer.
Dont! it's very good. Just add a comment saying `sameTree` should be changed.
+1 for sportsmanship.