



I want to develop some project templates for a few common Java projects I work on.

Basically i want to capture a few pieces of info in an extra Window on the standard New Java Project Wizard.

Then do some text replacements on a bunch of template files and add them to the project.

I have hunted high and low for a tutorial on how to do this but it seems like you need to really know your way around the Eclipse Plug-In development stuff to get anywhere?

Can anyone point me in the direction of a tutorial for customizing the New Project Wizard in Eclipse or a project that does something similar so i can look at the source?

+1  A: 

Phew I thought I was going mad. I knew that I had read a good article on how to do this, but couldn't find it.

Here it is on Alpha works.

Just what I was looking for thanks. When I have this working hopefully I can figure out how to extend the New Java Project wizard rather than creating a new blank wizard.
Adrian Hope-Bailie