




Im trying to use AXIS's 2 wsdl2Java tool to build the client that will consume a web service.

I've run the tool and it has generated the required classes (a singel .java file). I've added that to a project and many of the jar files under AXIS_HOME/lib (until the code started building and then running).

Looks like it ready to work, but when I invoke any web service I get this error:

INFO [Nov 19 2009 20:55:04]: Unable to sendViaPost to url[http:///] org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Transport error: 404 Error: Not Found

(where / have the right values).

The URL is ok, and I can invoke it without problems. Im using SOAPUI with that same URL and it's working fine.

Where could be the problem?

Any hint will be much appreciated.

Thanks Gonso


Can you please show us the generated java file. Also verify that your classpath is properly set.

Ravi Gupta