



The question says it all, really. I am looking for books or resources I can use to self-teach regarding event-driven programming. I have a decent grasp on the program flow of smaller programs that don't have a GUI (procedural programming, I think); basically the code doesn't interact with the user beyond command-line arguments, or sometimes a text-based menu.

In order to move past that, what books or references would you recommend to learn event-driven programming? In particular, code organization tips and some real-life examples would be great. I'd like to learn proper technique and minimize picking up bad habits. :)

Edit: Also, is there any difference between how event-driven programming is done on Linux versus on Windows? Besides the obvious API differences..


I'm fond of "Practical statecharts in C/C++" by Miro Samek, which is about the use of hierarchical state machines. (Its focus is on embedded systems, but it does touch lightly on GUI programming.)

Robin Newton

Hi. If C++ is your thing, then I have heard good things about Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets. You may also be interested in the lecture notes pdf you can download here. My general advice: find a framework, and follow that. Good luck!
