



To get the locale settings, e.g. short date format, we've always used GetLocaleFormatSettings with GetThreadLocale. This has always worked without problem until now.

A couple of our users are getting different values for GetThreadLocale that don't match what they've configured in the regional settings in Windows 7. We've been unable to reproduce this no matter what we try, but I sent one user a test program to get the locale information, and sure enough GetThreadLocale returns a different LCID (1033) than GetUserDefaultLCID (2057). So instead of getting UK locale settings, they end up with US locale settings.

Are we getting the locale information incorrectly? Should we be using GetUserDefaultLCID instead of GetThreadLocale?


+2  A: 

I noticed same problem, when I started using new Windows 7 computer. I spent some time trying to find what causes this, but found nothing. So I just added these two lines to some units initialization section.


Strange is that this behavior occurs only in my computer as we have few other Win7 computers in office also.

Switching to a different regional settings and then back seems also to fix this as Paul Heinz suggested. So it might be something about windows 7 installation process. All programs that I found had this problem were Delphi applications. Strange though DatetimePicker had correct datetime format.
+1  A: 

You're not the only one. I've seen this too with Windows 7 here in New Zealand and it seems to only trip up Delphi applications for some reason as far as I can tell.

The strange thing we found is that switching to a different regional settings via Control Panel and then switching back to NZ resolves the issue. I'd be curious to know if the same workaround resolves it for you just to verify that we're seeing the same phenomenon.

I'm wondering if selecting non-US regional settings via the Windows 7 install process is not quite 'doing the right thing' in some subtle way that only trips up Delphi applications for some reason.

I'd arrived at similar test code to JP's in an attempt to track it down and find a software workaround but our QA guy had since found the 'regional settings switcheroo' workaround and he didn't fancy completely reinstalling Windows 7 again to get back to the original funky state for some reason :-)

Paul Heinz
Switching to a different regional settings via Control Panel and then switching back does appear to work. Thanks!
+1  A: 

Hi there, I've just tested a new installation of Windows 7 Starter Edition, and had the same problem, but I found that the locale that GetThreadLocale returns was exactly the locale sugested by the Windows installation program, but I changed it during installation to another, wich is the one that GetUserDefaultLCID returns, also the one I wanted to use, (I maked a small program just for this). So, the locale changed for user, but somewhere was still specified the first locale and it's been returned by GetThreadLocale. As JP commented, really there is an issue with installation, it doesn't change the locale at all places where it can be found. It seems that changing the locale via Control Panel does the job fine, and that could explain wy changing it as proposed works, by the way, it explains why other computers could not have the same problem (if you didn't change the locale during installation). Hope this help.


Hi all,

I've same problems with my vcl apps. Our numerous customers get the original US WIN7 Enterprise version + german Mui language. The original VCL based apps show english locale. Only the apps, that I localised myself with tools are working correct with the german locals.

Regards Joerg

+2  A: 

For some background information have a look here:

So it seems this problem manifests itself on Vista as well as Windows 7. It occurs because Microsoft seems to be in the process of deprecating the Locale ID in favor of the Locale Name.

To summarize: The relevant API calls all operate on registry values that can be found at HKCU\Control Panel\International. The value "Locale" is maintained for backward compatibility reasons and under normal circumstances is kept in synch with its newer counterpart called "LocaleName". This synch process however doesn't work under some circumstances.

Anyway, the GetThreadLocale API call gets its return value from the "Locale" registry entry mentioned above, while the others (GetUserDefaultLCID, GetSystemDefaultLCID, etc) use the "LocaleName" registry entry.

Hence the confusion.

BTW, the solution mentioned by JP in a previous post should probably be extended to


because (if i'm reading it correctly!) according to the docco the GetUserDefaultLCID call will account for user customizations.



The same issue occurs with "Windows Server 2008 R2: Foundation"
