




I'm getting the following exeption: "Sections must only appear once per config file. See the help topic for exceptions. "

my configuration file look like this:

    <sectionGroup name="point.System">
      <section name="singleInstanceCache" type="xyz.Point.System.Configuration.SingleInstanceCache, Point.System" />
    <sectionGroup name="point.Services">
      <sectionGroup name="xServices" type="xyz.Point.Messaging.PointServiceConfiguration.PointServices, Barcap.FIA.Point.Messaging">
        <section name="xService" type="xyz.Point.Messaging.PointServiceConfiguration.PointService, Barcap.FIA.Point.Messaging" />

      <xService name="Service1" type="IService" >
          <endpoint aliasName="incoming" endpointName="Subscriber"/>
          <endpoint aliasName="outgoing" endpointName="Publisher"/>
      <xService name="BlobService" type="IPortfolioService" >
          <endpoint aliasName="incoming" endpointName="Subscriber"/>
          <endpoint aliasName="outgoing" endpointName="Publisher"/>

here is the code where i load it:

 /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public class PointServices : ConfigurationSection
        public static PointServices Get()
            var t = (PointServices)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("point.Services/xServices");

            return null;

         //Declares a collection element represented in the following configuration sub-section
         //<singleInstances> <add .../> </singleInstances> 
        [ConfigurationProperty("xServices", IsDefaultCollection = true)]
        [ConfigurationCollection(typeof(PointServices), AddItemName = "xService")]
        public PointServicesCollection Services
                return (PointServicesCollection) base["xServices"];

/// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public class PointService : ConfigurationElement
        [ConfigurationProperty("name",IsRequired = true)]
        public string Name
                return this["name"].ToString();

        [ConfigurationProperty("type", IsRequired = true)]
        public string Type
                return this["type"].ToString();

        [ConfigurationProperty("endpoints", IsRequired = false)]
        [ConfigurationCollection(typeof(EndpointAliasCollection), AddItemName = "endpoint")]
        public EndpointAliasCollection Endpoints

            get { return (EndpointAliasCollection)this["endpoints"]; }

if you have any idea why i'm getting this error, that would be helpful.



Where is Point.System in the config file? It might just be complaining because 0 != 1 (to the computer)

no, the point.system has nothing related to it. this part work fine. it related to
Or A
+6  A: 

You are trying to use a section group as a collection, and sections as items in the collection, which is not what they are intended for, hence the error.

Basically you only need to define point.Services as a section, as it does not need to contain any other sections, then define a collection property to contain configuration elements. You can update the code as follows:


         type="xyz.Point.Messaging.PointServiceConfiguration.PointServices, Barcap.FIA.Point.Messaging" />

      <xService name="Service1" type="IService" >
            <endpoint aliasName="incoming" endpointName="Subscriber"/>
            <endpoint aliasName="outgoing" endpointName="Publisher"/>
      <xService name="BlobService" type="IPortfolioService" >
            <endpoint aliasName="incoming" endpointName="Subscriber"/>
            <endpoint aliasName="outgoing" endpointName="Publisher"/>

Then the code is:

    public class PointServices : ConfigurationSection
        public static PointServices Get()
            return (PointServices) ConfigurationManager.GetSection("point.Services");

        [ConfigurationProperty("xServices", IsDefaultCollection = true)]
        [ConfigurationCollection(typeof(PointService), AddItemName = "xService")]
        public PointServicesCollection Services
                return (PointServicesCollection) base["xServices"];

    public class PointService : ConfigurationElement
        [ConfigurationProperty("name", IsRequired = true)]
        public string Name
                return this["name"].ToString();

        [ConfigurationProperty("type", IsRequired = true)]
        public string Type
                return this["type"].ToString();

        [ConfigurationProperty("endpoints", IsRequired = false)]
        [ConfigurationCollection(typeof(EndpointAlias), AddItemName = "endpoint")]
        public EndpointAliasCollection Endpoints

            get { return (EndpointAliasCollection) this["endpoints"]; }

To break it down:

  • PointServices is a configuration section that maps to <point.Services> section, so the static Get() method reflects this
  • PointServices defines a collection property Services which is a PointServiceCollection where the item type is PointService (NOT PointServices) and is mapped to the element name xService
  • PointService elements are elements and not sections, again note that the collection property attribute defines the item type, not the container type

Hope that helps.
