





I want to write programs like reading audio file and playing it. And I also wanted to write programs to convert one format (.vlc to ,rm). SO please suggest books and ebook links.

+1  A: 

My favorite C book is "Expert C Programming (Deep C Secrets)" by Peter van der Linden. He gets a lot of information to the reader and is entertaining to boot. One of the best explanations of complicated nested types and similar stuff. Happily, it's not even a very fat book!


Carl Smotricz
However, that's for the C language itself (as the question's title asked). I'm afraid this book mentions nothing about audio file handling. That's not considered an "advanced C concept," it just calls for a library that's not part of the C language.
Carl Smotricz
+3  A: 

I don't think you're going to find "Write C programs to read audio files in 30 days".

Reading audio files and converting files is about learning how to ready binary data from the disk, manipulate it in memory and/or write it back out to disk in another format.

What you really need is to study to the format of the files you want to play / convert. As for playing audio, I'm sure there's plenty of sample code available on the web if you'll just search.

Beyond that, you might pick up books which deal with advanced C concepts like pointer manipulation, data structures, etc. While these won't help you play audio, they will teach you advanced concepts that you'll use. I went to Amazon and typed in "Advanced C programming" and came up with: Advanced C Programming

So that's one at which you might want to look.

Wade Williams

In terms of audio libraries, this may do you some good: http://www.harmony-central.com/Computer/Programming/,

especially Audio File Library : Cross platform programming library for reading and writing various audio file formats.

But you can do what I did and just Google for "C sound library" or something similar.

Carl Smotricz

There aren't many advanced C programming books out there. Probably the two best are "Expert C programming" and "C interfaces and implementations". There's also "C Unleashed" that has a lot of domain-specific code - applying C to multiple real-world problems.

That said, you won't learn audio programming there. You should really:

  1. Study C
  2. Learn how to process binary data in C
  3. Learn the binary format of the audio files you want to convert
  4. Write the C code for your needs
Eli Bendersky
Thank you.I understood that I am trying in wrong path. But,I am uncomfortable in solving binary data type programs in C.I have to concentrate more on that.
srikanth rongali