There is a interesting new wave of mcu:s with ARM Cortex-M3,M1 and M0 cores hitting the market right now. (The Cortex mcu players right now seems to be ST, NXP and Atmel).
And the STM32, maybe a interesting choice to start with. To develop you can use the gnu toolchain, OpenOCD and a cheep jtag.
Actually it is very similar toolchain/workflow as the ARM7...
As a IDE, some use Eclipse.
A little extra note, my suggestions above is all based on Open Source tools so no vendor lock in.
You should be able to switch between M3, M1 and M0 mcu with the same toolchain,
if your are careful about the differences between them.
So to start with a M3 based mcu and learn the ARM Cortex core could be a good idea.
And even thou there are not that many M0 mcu:s out there today I think we will see quite a lot of them in the future.
But since the majority of the customers can be found in the high volume electronic industry, form factors that can be hand soldered is probably not going to be that common. That was actually one of the reasons why I started with a cheap header board.
And last since we are talking about a 32-bit mcu in the same price scale as the medium/large sized 8-bit mcu:s, you get a lot more power for the same money.