



I am developing a project. I want to include a particular function from 7zip software to decompress data. Its a kinda exporting a particular function from 7zip software to my project. Should I do using DLL import and export or is there any other way?

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you should take a look in LZMA SDK, it would give access to 7zip function from C++/C#/C/Java.

tanx 4 ur reply,but my question is how do i include a PARTICULAR function from 7zip to my Program
I think if they provide a SDK is to avoid to have a DLL, I don't see what difference it would make to have access to the full blow 7z instead of one function. your executable need to be compact ?
Alrite,let me pharse it clearly of what am doing...In 7zip v have lots of option in that compress/decompress are one of them.....I need the decompress function alone to be used in my projecti cant goahead and write the entire decompress in my project since it has so many def's and header files..its totally complicated..instead of doing that i need to call that function(Decompress) frommy program to perform its action..
If you want a quick and dirty solution why don't you put 7z binary in your project and use exec to make 7z binary do the job
unfortunately its not my desire friend...tnx alot 4 ur replies..if there are any other way..let me know