I wrote a code in C# that maps logical drives to their physical disks, using WMI (System.Management). The code working perfectly, but slow like hell. In my machine (Windows 7 x64, Dual-Core with 3 GB RAM) it runs as least 1 second. 1 second is too slow for me, even 0.1 is more than enough to accomplish. I more than sore that this functionallity can be done in less than 0.1 second.
Is there any Win32API functions that can help?
Any other suggestions?
this is my code so far:
List<Dictionary<string, string>> results = new List<Dictionary<string, string>>();
using (ManagementClass diskDriveClass = new ManagementClass(@"Win32_Diskdrive"))
using (ManagementObjectCollection diskDrives = diskDriveClass.GetInstances())
foreach (ManagementObject diskDrive in diskDrives)
string deviceId = (string)diskDrive["DeviceId"];
Dictionary<string, string> logicalDisksResults = new Dictionary<string, string>();
using (ManagementObjectCollection relatedPartitions = diskDrive.GetRelated("Win32_DiskPartition"))
foreach (ManagementObject relatedPartition in relatedPartitions)
Trace.WriteLine("-\t" + relatedPartition["Name"]);
using (ManagementObjectCollection relatedLogicalDisks = relatedPartition.GetRelated("Win32_LogicalDisk"))
foreach (ManagementBaseObject relatedLogicalDisk in
Trace.WriteLine("\t-\t" + relatedLogicalDisk["Name"] + " " + relatedLogicalDisk["FileSystem"]);
logicalDisksResults.Add((string)relatedLogicalDisk["Name"], (string)relatedLogicalDisk["FileSystem"]);