



/* substitute(X,Y,Xs,Ys) is true if the list Ys is the result of substituting Y for all occurrences of X in the list Xs.

This is what I have so far:

subs(X,Y,[X|L1],[Y|L2]):- subs(X,Y,L1,L2).
subs(X,Y,[H|L1],[H|L2]):- X\=H, not(H=[_|_]), subs(X,Y,L1,L2).
subs(X,Y,[H|_],[L2]):- X\=H, H=[_|_], subs(X,Y,H,L2).

My code works except it omits the elements following the nested list. For example:

?- subs(a,b,[a,[a,c],a],Z).
Z = [b, [b, c]] .

What should I add to this program?

+1  A: 

The problem is that once you find a nested list, you forget about whatever is behind that nested list. Instead, after recursing with the nested nest, simply continue as before. Thus, you should change the last clause as follows:

subs(X,Y,[H|L1],[H2|L2]):- X\=H, H=[_|_], subs(X,Y,H,H2), subs(X, Y, L1, L2).

Aside from that, there are a couple of ways in which you can improve the code:

  1. Use cuts (!/0) to stop backtracking. In this way you don't have to repeat yourself.
  2. You can use is_list/1 to test whether an argument is a list.
  3. It's okay to use more spaces. Really.

So, an alternative solution is (now using \+/1 instead of not/1):

subs(_, _, [], []).
subs(X, Y, [X|T1], [Y|T2]) :- subs(X, Y, T1, T2), !.
subs(X, Y, [H|T1], [H|T2]) :- \+ is_list(H), subs(X, Y, T1, T2), !.
subs(X, Y, [H1|T1], [H2|T2]) :- subs(X, Y, H1, H2), subs(X, Y, T1, T2).


?- subs(a, b, [a, [a, [d, f, a]], a, b, a, [g]], Z).
Z = [b, [b, [d, f, b]], b, b, b, [g]].
Got it!! thanks!!
Cuts are ugly, they hide the implicit negation in the following clauses. I find it better to use (... -> ... ; ...), which resembles if-then-else in functional programming.
@starblue: yeah, I vaguely remember there being issues with cut (only recently I regained interest in Prolog). I'll read up on it in the near future. Thanks for the heads up, and I'll upvote your answer :)
+2  A: 

Here is how you could write it using (... -> ... ; ...):

subs(_, _, [], []).
subs(X, Y, [H1|T1], [H2|T2]) :-
    (H1 == X ->
        H2 = Y
    ; is_list(H1) ->
        subs(X, Y, H1, H2),
        subs(X, Y, T1, T2)
        H1 = H2,
        subs(X, Y, T1, T2)

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Instructor Guy