If the rich text box is in _rtb, then you can get the number of visible lines:
public int NumberOfVisibleLines
int topIndex = _rtb.GetCharIndexFromPosition(new System.Drawing.Point(1, 1));
int bottomIndex = _rtb.GetCharIndexFromPosition(new System.Drawing.Point(1, _rtb.Height - 1));
int topLine = _rtb.GetLineFromCharIndex(topIndex);
int bottomLine = _rtb.GetLineFromCharIndex(bottomIndex);
int n = bottomLine - topLine + 1;
return n;
Then, if you want to scroll the caret to, say, 1/3 of the way from the top of the richtextbox, do this:
int startLine = _rtb.GetLineFromCharIndex(ix);
int numVisibleLines = NumberOfVisibleLines;
// only scroll if the line to scroll-to, is larger than the
// the number of lines that can be displayed at once.
if (startLine > numVisibleLines)
int cix = _rtb.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(startLine - numVisibleLines/3 +1);
_rtb.Select(cix, cix+1);