I have a class of mine, lets call it TMyObject, which should return a slightly modified copy of itself. So, one of its functions should return an object of the same type as itself:
function TMyObject.TrimEnds: TMyObject;
Result:= TMyObject.Create;
Can I do that? Is it legit what am I doing?
I mean, I already tried it and the compiler allows me to do it, but I wonder if there will be long time/hidden negative effects.
Any thoughts will be appreciated. Thanks.
Edit: The new slightly modified copy will be saved to disk. It is some kind of 'Save as...'. How it works: The original object creates a copy of itself, instructs this copy to do some changes and to save to disk. Then the original frees the copy. This way I keep the original object in memory unchanged but I have a modified version of this to disk.
You may think that my object holds a picture. What I need is a function that returns a slightly modified copy of the picture.