My title is terrible but I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this. I have two tables. Links and Votes. Links contain info about links submitted and the usual jazz, votes contains a foreign key link_id and a karma_up and karma_down value (both unsigned ints). Because I want to limit votes to one per user and record vote time I opted for the two tables method. What I want to do though is display the sum'ed karma of a link. I need to be able to grab all the links and then their one to many votes which are sum'ed up SUM(karma_up - karma_down). All I have been able to do is SUM up the entire column which doesn't do me any good.
Hopefully someone just "gets" what I'm trying to do but till then I will be updating this post with as much relevant information as possible.
UPDATE For anyone interested, my final query is
SELECT links.*, (SUM(karma_up) - SUM(karma_down)) AS karma
FROM links, votes
WHERE = votes.link_id
GROUP BY votes.link_id