I have multiple forms on a page which pass an id to the controller via hidden inputs. As I am using strongly typed views for these I think I need to keep the Id for each of these to be the same. It works currently though I think it's bad practice. How should I handle this? In Django there are form prefix values is there an equivalent?
Here are the two forms I am using:
<form action="/Course/CropImage" method="post">
<input id="CourseId" name="CourseId" type="hidden" value="<%= Model.CourseId %>" />
<input id="X" name="X" type="hidden" value="<%= Model.X %>" />
<input id="Y" name="Y" type="hidden" value="<%= Model.Y %>" />
<input id="W" name="W" type="hidden" value="<%= Model.W %>" />
<input id="H" name="H" type="hidden" value="<%= Model.H %>" />
<input type="submit" value="Crop" />
<form action="/Course/UploadImage" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">
<input id="CourseId" name="CourseId" type="hidden" value="<%= Model.CourseId %>" />
<label for="Image">Select Image:</label><input id="Image" type="file" name="Select Image"/>
<input type="submit" value="Upload" />